Wednesday, May 23, 2012
accidentally found this song remind me of listening to it when i was of my dad's favourite not so long ago,haha...
i had this feeling people around me were not so good with me... not so sure why, maybe i was too outspoken... should keep my mouth tight starting from now, silent is golden... meet my new me, kbai.
Abu Hurayrah r.a. narrated that the Messenger of Allah saw said : "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say what is righteous or keep silent. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him be kind to his neighbor. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him be generous to his guest." (Saheeh Muslim)
when i smile, there's a silent, and when they smile, i create one for them... don't u think its just unfair?? maybe im not one of the hottest guy, or maybe ur not one of the comel girls,... for them, when they smile the world smiles back to u... still its just unfair....
sincerely i love to smile, but not to those who not appreciate it... i know mine is not the best in the universe, nor better when compare to yours... sometimes when i smile, and u pretend not seeing it, i feel not so good u know.. still, ur smile makes all the wories fade away, the best i ever seen...
get a mirror, carve a smile for urself, then create one for me too... i'll be waiting,...
p/s ~ no time to smile, exam is nearer and im getting lazier day by day... ya Allah... tunduk kepala, pejam mata, apa nak jadi laaa
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
tade menda sangat just saje2 nak update blog ini malam... sejak balik ni susah nk cari waktu nak sentuh laptop, even sekarang pon ingat2 nak tidor je, bungkuskan diri dalam selimut tebal, ditemani sejuk ekon, yang mmg tade kat jogja, hmmm good idea gak nih kalau pasang satu dalam kamar tidor kat sana,haha... fyi diri ini baru saja pulang dari makan2 dengan kawan2 utp, adik, then main snooker, agak lara di situ yeee... rasa macam TAKNAK BALIK!!!grrr... tapi apa nak buatkan, balik nanti dah 5th week, lagi 2minggu dah exam, cepat gila la pulak masa berlalu...
abah pulak baru je ke kl td, sb akak dah resign untuk kerja baru, actually dia mintak nak drive sorang balik klantan, tapi macam biasa laa, xkan lah abah ngan mama nak bagikan, abah pergi la sana nak teman kakak balik....OHHH maksudnya bertambah padat laa tempat parking keta ni!!!grrr....sekarang dah 4bijik pon pening nak menyusun, tambah satu lagi nanti campak kat luar laa nampak gayanyaa,errrr...
sambil tulis blog ni sambil layan lagu dari blog atie, layan gak laa,haha... aku ni senanyaa pening pikir ni, balik xsampai seminggu, hajat di hati nak lepak macam dulu2 sampai pagi ngn kawan2, tapi pikir lagi takut2 lara sangat laa pulak, so ambik jalan tengah letak limit sampai 2-3pagi je... tapi balik rumah pon jadi macam ni laa mengadap laptop pulak..kalau stakat nak main blog macam ni kat jogja nanti boley,aiyaya...xpelah biarkan diriku pening macam ni jelaa,lol... yang penting aku memang tade pening pikir nak makan banyak ke x, memang pulun habis habisan semua makanan depan mata!!!haha
allisya pulak sekarang dah makin oke ngn aku, maybe dah kenal la sket,dah boley dukung kira oke la tu kan??huhu... dah makin besar dan makin comel la budak ni,isshh...(biasa la xpernah main ngn budak kecik la katakan)haha.... yang xleh blah bila aku nak tackle dia pakai angry bird punya game,haha, memang minat gila angry bird budak tuh, huhu...nanti besar2 jadi budak baik oke..
hmmm dah nak dekat kul 4 nih, nak tidor dulu lah, esok nak p cari nasik pagi lagi, nak solat jumaat lagi nih... post ni xbaca xpaa, tade kepentingan pon,lol..kbai.salam...take care people
tade menda sangat just saje2 nak update blog ini malam... sejak balik ni susah nk cari waktu nak sentuh laptop, even sekarang pon ingat2 nak tidor je, bungkuskan diri dalam selimut tebal, ditemani sejuk ekon, yang mmg tade kat jogja, hmmm good idea gak nih kalau pasang satu dalam kamar tidor kat sana,haha... fyi diri ini baru saja pulang dari makan2 dengan kawan2 utp, adik, then main snooker, agak lara di situ yeee... rasa macam TAKNAK BALIK!!!grrr... tapi apa nak buatkan, balik nanti dah 5th week, lagi 2minggu dah exam, cepat gila la pulak masa berlalu...
abah pulak baru je ke kl td, sb akak dah resign untuk kerja baru, actually dia mintak nak drive sorang balik klantan, tapi macam biasa laa, xkan lah abah ngan mama nak bagikan, abah pergi la sana nak teman kakak balik....OHHH maksudnya bertambah padat laa tempat parking keta ni!!!grrr....sekarang dah 4bijik pon pening nak menyusun, tambah satu lagi nanti campak kat luar laa nampak gayanyaa,errrr...
sambil tulis blog ni sambil layan lagu dari blog atie, layan gak laa,haha... aku ni senanyaa pening pikir ni, balik xsampai seminggu, hajat di hati nak lepak macam dulu2 sampai pagi ngn kawan2, tapi pikir lagi takut2 lara sangat laa pulak, so ambik jalan tengah letak limit sampai 2-3pagi je... tapi balik rumah pon jadi macam ni laa mengadap laptop pulak..kalau stakat nak main blog macam ni kat jogja nanti boley,aiyaya...xpelah biarkan diriku pening macam ni jelaa,lol... yang penting aku memang tade pening pikir nak makan banyak ke x, memang pulun habis habisan semua makanan depan mata!!!haha
allisya pulak sekarang dah makin oke ngn aku, maybe dah kenal la sket,dah boley dukung kira oke la tu kan??huhu... dah makin besar dan makin comel la budak ni,isshh...(biasa la xpernah main ngn budak kecik la katakan)haha.... yang xleh blah bila aku nak tackle dia pakai angry bird punya game,haha, memang minat gila angry bird budak tuh, huhu...nanti besar2 jadi budak baik oke..
hmmm dah nak dekat kul 4 nih, nak tidor dulu lah, esok nak p cari nasik pagi lagi, nak solat jumaat lagi nih... post ni xbaca xpaa, tade kepentingan pon,lol..kbai.salam...take care people
Monday, May 14, 2012
its been awhile, even now i feel too lazy to write here...
" then wadaheck ur here BRO??!!! "
grrrr... well first thing of all, there's one moment, the happiest moment in my life, when u come to me, and.... fuuuhhhh, the eyes, like dari mata turun ke hati,hahaha, like3 !!!
and second of all, tomorrow flight at 12.20pm, and the next flight at 5.35pm, and then....... hello KLATE !!! im BACK !!! wuuhuuu, rindu nyerrrr sob3,lol...
what should i do ya ??!!! what what what ??!!!hohoho pusing dong !!! food village konpem !!! shisha !!! snooker !!! ooyaa jangan lupa teman itu bapak ke masjid jugak yee,kih3...
sorry la post ini malem sangat tidak teratur dan susah mau paham, hew3, don't care people, u too have fun, don't eat too much sugar, wkwkwkwk
ceittt still have lot of things to do nih, bilik macam kapal pecah, baju xbasuh lagi nih,lol...someone please do the laundry for me ??oke?? ^^
ok2 babai, take care !!!...
" then wadaheck ur here BRO??!!! "
grrrr... well first thing of all, there's one moment, the happiest moment in my life, when u come to me, and.... fuuuhhhh, the eyes, like dari mata turun ke hati,hahaha, like3 !!!
and second of all, tomorrow flight at 12.20pm, and the next flight at 5.35pm, and then....... hello KLATE !!! im BACK !!! wuuhuuu, rindu nyerrrr sob3,lol...
what should i do ya ??!!! what what what ??!!!hohoho pusing dong !!! food village konpem !!! shisha !!! snooker !!! ooyaa jangan lupa teman itu bapak ke masjid jugak yee,kih3...
sorry la post ini malem sangat tidak teratur dan susah mau paham, hew3, don't care people, u too have fun, don't eat too much sugar, wkwkwkwk
ceittt still have lot of things to do nih, bilik macam kapal pecah, baju xbasuh lagi nih,lol...someone please do the laundry for me ??oke?? ^^
ok2 babai, take care !!!...
Friday, May 4, 2012
hallooo, salam pepOL...
nothing much, just finished the battle...what battle??? well, u know, the war between the terrorist and counter terrorist, if u know what i mean??ha. ha. ha. yeah3 counter strike laa. so...
isn't quite the same with what was happening during Bersih3.0 lately??kan kan?? the terrorist.... and the counter-terrorist.... which side are you??hehe... well if u notice, i rarely, or maybe there was no post of me about bersih on facebook, or maybe twitter, or blog. but that doesn't mean that i don't care of what's happening in Malaysia now. its just that, aaaa u know, its quite confusing... if u watch the video from the opposition supporters, then u can see a lot of bad things done by the ****, but oppositely, if u read the article, or watch the videos made by the opposite party.
this is not a small matter anymore, its getting bigger and merrier as well,haha... well i mean, like not just the politician parties involved, as well as Muslim Scholars (sek2 ustak la kan??) angkat dada tabik spring,hehe....and even among my friends there are always new opinions given by them in different perspectives.
1 - they said, when there is an election coming soon, the political parties are allowed or given a period of time for them to propose their mandate, the objective is to win the coming election. this is where the citizens started to choose which party they want to vote right? but many don't understand where, the mandate is actually not yet proposed, and IF any of the party win the election, and they propose it, doesn't mean that it will be accepted in the parlimen, or maybe a few may be considered. so what i get from here is that, they are trying to say any promise from the opposition party, u know like want to give free education, reduce the petrol price, and everything may not come true even if they win the election. RIGHT?
are you happy with what is happening now?? the price of the petrol keep increasing, as well as the price of other things, the loan students have to pay back such a huge amount of debt after they graduate, plus with other things too. i know, im a scholar student, i may not feel what others feel, but that should not be the excuse for me to just ignore it. u see, still a lot of them said people are just ungrateful that the **** give us the opportunity to get the certificate, yet we are complaining. ok, that's not the thing, u just don't get it don't you? the analogy is simple... its like someone provide you a shop (modal pon from u all,haha) when there is none of it, there are everything u need inside it, so to buy things from it, firstly u have to have money right? but u don't have it (maybe some have it la,haha)... so there u go, that someone now can give u a loan u know (also modal from u all,hi3), u can borrow from that someone, and have anything that u want from the shop... but the thing is, now u have to pay them back u know, with a lot of interest somemore... where u gonna get the money back? u see, now u can't pay them... what u can do?? that someone now provide u a work... in the end, u end up working for them, pay them for the rest of your life... and that someone now goyang kaki, and become richer day by day...
2 - and then the article from our beloved former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad... for 'some' people, this maybe a great point of view from Tun to say that the opposition is absolutely wrong... but for others this is a good article for them to consider back of what had happen in terms of is it good or not. don't get me? ok let me explain a bit... in the article it is stated that at the time Bersih3.0 shouted for clean election and everything, the system is already super clean compare to other countries. the example given, if the election is not clean as stated, then Kelantan will be taken back by them since a long time ago (shows that they really want to own Kelantan, then bising2 cakap Kelantan miskin pe kes?hi3)...and other states won't fall to the opposition in the last election. the Bersih demo may have untold or secret agenda that may affect or threaten the country itself. maybe to create chaos among us, hmmm.... do you still remember how the colonizer came and conquer our land? how they create the space bigger when they use the conflict between the leaders at the time? how they get themselves involved and lastly conquering us?
sir, u can't say it clean when there's still threat for people who don't vote for u, u can't say it clean when there are still bribing people to vote for u everywhere, u can't say it clean when there is double standard between this two parties (pro*** will have everything, and anti*** the one who suffer everything)...
actually there are still a lot of things that i want to discuss here, but i believe that u guys have already advance than me right?? if anything, u can just simple google it, and read all the articles, and let your judgement decide... just remember that, there will be no absolute right or wrong, or good or bad for both parties.
however, i believe that many people, especially the youngsters are still blindly following this issue considering their inputs from the facebook, or their friends. im not saying that im better than you at this, in fact i don't even dare to talk about this. from what i wrote, everything just from my readings and evaluation. even i don't think that people, even my followers will read this post, but if i wrote it wrongly, don't hesitate to correct me, so that we all learn from it. ohh yaaa now i have 5 followers already, wuhuuu, haha ^^
p/s~ caci sana caci sini tu semua tak baik, yang penting nawaitu dan action tu yang pasti menjamin sesuatu yang baik di dunia atau pun di akhirat kelak, tu yang kita harapkan....insyaAllah
nothing much, just finished the battle...what battle??? well, u know, the war between the terrorist and counter terrorist, if u know what i mean??ha. ha. ha. yeah3 counter strike laa. so...
isn't quite the same with what was happening during Bersih3.0 lately??kan kan?? the terrorist.... and the counter-terrorist.... which side are you??hehe... well if u notice, i rarely, or maybe there was no post of me about bersih on facebook, or maybe twitter, or blog. but that doesn't mean that i don't care of what's happening in Malaysia now. its just that, aaaa u know, its quite confusing... if u watch the video from the opposition supporters, then u can see a lot of bad things done by the ****, but oppositely, if u read the article, or watch the videos made by the opposite party.
this is not a small matter anymore, its getting bigger and merrier as well,haha... well i mean, like not just the politician parties involved, as well as Muslim Scholars (sek2 ustak la kan??) angkat dada tabik spring,hehe....and even among my friends there are always new opinions given by them in different perspectives.
1 - they said, when there is an election coming soon, the political parties are allowed or given a period of time for them to propose their mandate, the objective is to win the coming election. this is where the citizens started to choose which party they want to vote right? but many don't understand where, the mandate is actually not yet proposed, and IF any of the party win the election, and they propose it, doesn't mean that it will be accepted in the parlimen, or maybe a few may be considered. so what i get from here is that, they are trying to say any promise from the opposition party, u know like want to give free education, reduce the petrol price, and everything may not come true even if they win the election. RIGHT?
are you happy with what is happening now?? the price of the petrol keep increasing, as well as the price of other things, the loan students have to pay back such a huge amount of debt after they graduate, plus with other things too. i know, im a scholar student, i may not feel what others feel, but that should not be the excuse for me to just ignore it. u see, still a lot of them said people are just ungrateful that the **** give us the opportunity to get the certificate, yet we are complaining. ok, that's not the thing, u just don't get it don't you? the analogy is simple... its like someone provide you a shop (modal pon from u all,haha) when there is none of it, there are everything u need inside it, so to buy things from it, firstly u have to have money right? but u don't have it (maybe some have it la,haha)... so there u go, that someone now can give u a loan u know (also modal from u all,hi3), u can borrow from that someone, and have anything that u want from the shop... but the thing is, now u have to pay them back u know, with a lot of interest somemore... where u gonna get the money back? u see, now u can't pay them... what u can do?? that someone now provide u a work... in the end, u end up working for them, pay them for the rest of your life... and that someone now goyang kaki, and become richer day by day...
2 - and then the article from our beloved former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad... for 'some' people, this maybe a great point of view from Tun to say that the opposition is absolutely wrong... but for others this is a good article for them to consider back of what had happen in terms of is it good or not. don't get me? ok let me explain a bit... in the article it is stated that at the time Bersih3.0 shouted for clean election and everything, the system is already super clean compare to other countries. the example given, if the election is not clean as stated, then Kelantan will be taken back by them since a long time ago (shows that they really want to own Kelantan, then bising2 cakap Kelantan miskin pe kes?hi3)...and other states won't fall to the opposition in the last election. the Bersih demo may have untold or secret agenda that may affect or threaten the country itself. maybe to create chaos among us, hmmm.... do you still remember how the colonizer came and conquer our land? how they create the space bigger when they use the conflict between the leaders at the time? how they get themselves involved and lastly conquering us?
sir, u can't say it clean when there's still threat for people who don't vote for u, u can't say it clean when there are still bribing people to vote for u everywhere, u can't say it clean when there is double standard between this two parties (pro*** will have everything, and anti*** the one who suffer everything)...
actually there are still a lot of things that i want to discuss here, but i believe that u guys have already advance than me right?? if anything, u can just simple google it, and read all the articles, and let your judgement decide... just remember that, there will be no absolute right or wrong, or good or bad for both parties.
however, i believe that many people, especially the youngsters are still blindly following this issue considering their inputs from the facebook, or their friends. im not saying that im better than you at this, in fact i don't even dare to talk about this. from what i wrote, everything just from my readings and evaluation. even i don't think that people, even my followers will read this post, but if i wrote it wrongly, don't hesitate to correct me, so that we all learn from it. ohh yaaa now i have 5 followers already, wuhuuu, haha ^^
p/s~ caci sana caci sini tu semua tak baik, yang penting nawaitu dan action tu yang pasti menjamin sesuatu yang baik di dunia atau pun di akhirat kelak, tu yang kita harapkan....insyaAllah
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
ye sorry lagu ni telah mencuri hatiku sejenak,kih3...
pernah rasa macam happy gilaa???tak salah rasanya kalau malam ni nak happy kejap,keh3...
mode: malas,menghitung hari...cinta ku tertinggal di malaysia btoiii ^^
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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