why so serious
salam people, so here's me!!! wasting time on blogging again, ahahehe... its going to be a very short one, i promise!!!zzzz... well actually if i do write a bit long isoke right, since exam and osce are finally OVER!!!ohohoho horlicksssSS baik bukak quran kan isshh
kind of miss that someone to talk about problems that im having right now, sigh... alahai malam yang indah dengan bulan hampir penuh dipagari bebintang ni nak start jiwang la pulak kan, ahaha... cant wait to go back to Malaysia on this saturday!!! too much things happened while im here, not to mention that i missed my brother's wedding last year!!!my truly beloved sister graduation!!!i missed to hold Allisya on her ealy days after born... now my younger brother just discharged from hospital for an operation, this very close cousin just divorced, this mr x just died(al-fatihah to him), and the mr y just involved in an accident that the person he hit died, and this3 anak2 kelinci pon banyak yang mati sekarang =( ... one thing that im sure, mine is not as bad as they are facing right now, tula...sometimes when we feel like our problem is the worst thing ever happen, look around u, see what's hidden behind their smile, seriously im kind of grateful that im facing this problem right now, its like my brain start to work properly again, started to see the world as it is again... sorry yee, dulu my mum selalu cakap saya ni 'perumahan' orangnya, jalan jauh2 skit nak balik rumah, ahaha
*maka ingatlah semua di dunia ni adalah pinjaman semata2, bukan milik kita yang kekal kan ;)
so its been quite a few months already i didn't touch my sweethearts, i dont know whether its a good thing or not, or maybe i'll regret after this kan, even now i dont get the tempo correctly, not to mention fingering kan... what if im back in malaysia, and friends ask to go jamming, mesti sangat malu kan x power macam diorang, kalau yang tersedia ada pon memburuk, dont say about improvement la, agak sedih senanye, but im sure there are good things behind it, im 100% sure!!!
bila dah lama x berkecimpung dalam ngeband nila jadi nya, layan balik lagu2 gini, ahaha... well, used to super like this song veli2 much masa kecik2, cute, montel dulu2, ahaha...
oh btw hows ur osce?? i saw u mcm blurr je that time, haha... mine?? dont worry, it was full of laughter(or should i say slaughter??) with the doctors, lol... well its obvious that i dont really prepared for this year osce, two days seriously wont be enough for 10 stations u see, so overall nya, when something went wrong, i looked at the doctors and try to create the sweetest smile ever, haha... yeahh they laugh, and im quite sure they wrote 'FAIL' on those papers, lol...
and do u realise nowadays people keep talking about illuminati and eveything, its good to make us always aware of things that going on around... its very good, hopefully from this info that keep been updated on any social networks, people change, people get ready for any possibilities... dont get scared, dont fight among us over this issue, just think of it as a reminder for us to be well prepared, in term of strength, iman, and taqwa to Allah swt, ameen...
al-Anfal : 60
" and make ready agaisnt them all you can of power, including steeds of war(tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. and whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly "
isn't it beautiful, that Islam teaches us to be humble in everything we do... but not when it comes to war... its just that how actually the muslims doing it wrong, sigh... kita sangatlah kadang2 bermegah2 dengan hidup kita, bukak puasa mana boleh satu lauk, nak rumah yang besar2, kawin nak grand2, phone kalau x touch screen jangan haraplaa... but when it comes to the illuminati thing, when people post a video about it, we scared, we scare about their power, we scare to tell the world that we are having the nuclear weapon, we scare to help our brothers, we hide the truth, and we tell the lies, just because we scare of them, sangat lah humble nya kita bila masa untuk membantu saudara2 kita kan, sangatlah humble kita ni dalam persiapan untuk perang, sangatlah humble kita dalam persiapan mental, iman, dan taqwa kita ni kan berbanding dengan kemegahan2 duniawi, sigh again... see people, we are doing it wrong!!! so people, let us unite, let us change, lets be more arrogant in facing these enemies of Allah, our enemies as well!!! lets over do it!!!
sabda Rasullullah saw,
" Seandainya dunia sebanding dengan satu sayap lalat di sisi Allah swt, nescaya Dia tidak akan memberikan seteguk air pun bagi seorang kafir "
HR. At-Tirmidzi
till then, stay healthy, be happy, believe in Him... =)