Thursday, January 31, 2013



im missing You ya Muhammad Rasulullah, yes im missing You alot :'( ... how much i wish to see You in hereafter...  how jealous i am whenever hearing people who dreamed about You ya Muhammad... the more i learn about You, the more i wanted to meet u, hope its been the same to you guys... its 'crazy' right, loving and missing the One whom we never met in person in our life, but always been there for us, stood still for us now, tomorrow, and until..., insyaAllah one day in Jannah... forever Love ^^

maybe this is one of the gift by Allah swt to Muhammad saw, not only the people who see him in person will deeply fall in love to him, also people who know him by his character too... 


im totally sad right now, whenever i saw posts on facebook, or anywhere about Muslims were killed everywhere, oppositely the other 'Muslims' still cheering and having 'fun', complaining about their life, boyfriends, girlfriends everywhere, what and where to eat tonight, how should i dress up for a hang out today, the photos, urghhhh, like nothing is happening to our brothers and sisters out there, im mad, seriously *mad of myself as well... sad. true story bro... i dont know, if all these were happening in the era of Rasullullah saw, or the sahabat, the khalifah, i dont know, these wont happen back then i guess... 

Rasulullah saw taught us alot, the sahabat, the ones who get direct teaching from the Prophet are the best exemplars beside Rasulullah himself... each and every of them have their own unique personality, just like us... the best examples are Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Umar al-Khattab, others are the best in their own ways too... but these two sahabat, i must say, the closest to Prophet Muhammad saw... Ali bin Abi Thalib ra said, he saw Muhammad saw left home with Abu Bakr and Umar, and come back home with Abu Bakr and Umar... and i forgot one more, sound like this, whenever i saw Muhammad saw, at his right is Abu Bakr, and his left is Umar al-Khattab...These two were like a pair of wing of Islam, which Abu Bakr symbolize the tranquility, the rationality, the loving side of Islam, and Umar al-Khattab is the punishment, the fear of syaitan, the firm of Islam... even when the speakers speak about Abu Bakr, they will end up speak about Umar, and whenever they speak about Umar, they will end up speak about Abu Bakr... and each of sahabat have their own personality too, like Uthman symbolize the shyness, Ali bin Abi Thalib as the Warrior, Khadijah as a Mature woman, and many more...

as to put all these best exemplars, or to correlate these with us, yes we have those unique personalities... and shame on us, we didnt use it in the right way... the saddest of all, the sahabat cant even imagine how bad is our generation will be, when Muhammad saw said one day, Muslims are many, but they are like foam in the sea... again, true story bro :'( ... im truly sorry for all these to happen... i wont blame anyone but myself, im truly sorry, forgive me ya Allah, forgive me ya Muhammad, forgive me ya Sahabat, forgive me all  Muslims...

as one day, one day, we will meet You ya Muhammad saw, i dont know, being in the group of the best Ummah, it must be a shame for me to see You and other Muslimin and Mukminin, carrying these heavy loads on my back... please forgive me ya Rabb...

and talking about asking for forgiveness, lets fight, fight fight fight, semangat!!! on the Day of Judgement, the true ruller is Allah Himself... im happy... insyaAllah all of our hardships on this Deen of Islam will be paid off, im positive on this :)

Umar al-Khattab, in his life, what he taught us were being patient and grateful... as these two elements are both importants... he said, if he is given a choice to choose one of them, he would not left one behind, aka he would choose both... patient, first, be patient in obeying Allah commands. 2nd, patient in keeping away ourself from what He prohibited. and 3rd is patient in what have been written for us, good or bad... and be grateful for everything that is already decided for us... noted, grateful not the same as being satisfied of our achievements... hmm pusing lettew... grateful here means, we are grateful on how much we had work for it, next time, we will work harder to achieve more :)

simple nya, mohle, lets be grateful and achieve more than before... meh3, lets fight saiyan2 sekelian, ki3...

hopefully those currheart above didnt falsely interpreted as emotionally distress syndrome, but more to tazkirah for myself and any of u guys out there... bcoz i sincerely want for the best of us all, this is a war, the war where, the haq will win agaisnt the batil, and we are the ones who have to stood and fight for it, no one else...

p/s~ one by one are leaving Jogja... Malaysia, hmmm, one of the toughest battle field... insyaAllah, lets give the best shot for this one... or maybe, hmmm... nevermind :)

responsibility vs laziness

insyaAllah bermanfaat, kalau ada benda yang perlu ditegur silahkan lah, insyaAllah saya akan menerima dan bertindak semampunya :)

insyaAllah bertemu lagi kita di medan perjuangan dan di syurga secara berjemaah kelak :D, kalau tak :'(. tlg kirim salam kat nabi Muhammad saw. jazakallah khair

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



tiada kata2 dapat aku ungkapkan melainkan bertanya kepada diri sendiri, apa yg aku telah buat selama ni??, cuma tangisan yg mencurah2 mengiringi =P... ok serius, besar nya cinta baginda kepada umatnya, kita la tu kan, emmm, tonton lah dengan jiwa2 anda, insyaAllah bermanfaat... 

p/s~ maafkan aku, maafkan kami ya Rasulullah :'(