after finished the ice breaking session, 10:05am like that, there's the forensic session at GK building, its like behind the gizi canteen like that... oke, so arrived there~ i was like....fuuuuu~ k there have 3 stand fans on top of the table (funny ok,haha,and kinda weird too), only one of them was switched on (which of course i turned on the other fans), it was so hot inside, the chairs were not so well arranged, if think of it again, its like a haunted scene something like that,lol....
time passing by, it almost passed one hour already, the doctor not seen... i went to medika canteen, makan2 with some of the friends, with hope the doctor gonna come when we finish eating... so there were we makan2 at the canteen, stuffed everything, pufff~someone PING pram's bbm...fuuhhh at last~ so we hurry to class (like so hurry so that we won't miss the briefing)
reached there, still, "please where are you doctor??grrr"
someone already called the doctor, shes busy, but she said still have to wait because she wanted to replace with someone else...ok i waited like 20minutes already, so i cannot tahan, there was me, went out from the class, headed to the street outside the faculty...why?? yeah i went outside to buy cigarettes, fair enough right?? waiting like 1 hour and a half for the doctor inside the hot room like that, plus just finished eating, phewww...
when i just had a few puffs, kringg!!!! kringg!!!! there was a call from one of my groupmate... "wey where are you??doctor come d"... grrrr so fucked up u know...
but then chill lah, the class was fun after all, its about medicolegal, its like u have to act like ur the medical doctor whos incharge in filling the form for the rape victim ( not just rape victim actually, its like for cases of kekerasan like that)... so one of the member be the victim, another become the witness...the case??yeahh just base on your imagination (good for people who love to watch sinetron,lol)...

nah u have to imagine things like this while filling the form okay
moral of the story, once ur a medical student, do come late to class, and always prepare for the worse situation~ at the end of it, u must be cool, ur a doctor beb =P
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