Friday, April 13, 2012


what a big F... !!! grrr... all gone, things from my hard disc, isshhhh... hopefully can recover back

after a few hours....

oohhh u know what, last time, this guy, my housemate sang a song title 'cinta tiga segi'.... it was like so sudden, after the incident, lol... so i change abit the lyric a sing again for him... seems like he doesn't reply to it, daheck, haha...

here the song, i know it sounds bad, im not gifted with it, but just ignore it,lol

plus i forgot the lyrics,ahaha

so now i just wasted my time, just went back from 1st net, actually went there for makan2 with shah, then when i walked into the 1st net, all were, paham2 lah... but still my objective for tonight, want to study, lol -__-"

and there the juniors just finish the usrah thing with azam, still can kacau2 me first before going back, pheewww kids nowadays,lol...

ohh forgot to tell, this gonna be the last post for this week.. see u guys again after the exam yoiii... goodluck all!!! dream high, aim high, drugs is the solution, keh3...salam

p/s~ jangan diskriminasi sangat kami2 ni, kami2 memang xperfect ;(


  1. ishh, sapa yg diskriminasi?? nobody's perfect. perasaan je tu. eh sorry menyemak, bnyk sgt komen. all the best exam kbye. aman :)

  2. k2 tade nye, dah2 la blogging ye b, study!haha...k u too, amiinn :)
