Wednesday, April 11, 2012


it's hard u know...

last time i've tried, only lasted for almost a week only, im not sure whether i can do this or not, most probably cannot... so people out there, just accept me like this okay... keh3

why i post this suddenly??? yeah because just now one of my friends advised me to quit smoking, i know its a bad habit, plus im a medical student.... its hard, but i'll try my best lah, insyaAllah oneday...

p/s~ambo kurang parok dohni isak mugo goni nih iye dok...


  1. usaha tangga kejayaan, hoyeah! semangat toriq semangat! pasti bisaaaaa~

  2. try pelan2.. n istiqamah dlm usaha tu..
    buang sikit2..lame2 nanti, mesti dapat buang total.. =D
    kalo mendadak sgt, takut nanti relaps mcm ko ckp tu, dpt stop for one week only..

    anyway, semoga semua nya dipermudahkan olehNya.. =)

  3. chaiyok toriq boleh nyer.. klo ko nak ceta scary pasal nie meh aku ceta xperience ayah aku yg hampir maut sbb nie.. gambatte kudesai.. X).. support ko dr ats..

    InsyaAllah tetapkan niat kerana Dia, Dia pasti akn tlg.. X)
